陈伟 发表于 2023-4-5 02:20:37

招 聘 数 名 导 购 员

本帖最后由 陈伟 于 2023-4-11 09:09 编辑

职位:店长经理一名,店员数名要求:1. 有相关经验更好!无经验者(提供专业培训)   
2. 中.英文流利
3. 有良好沟通及表达能力
4. 热爱销售工作,踏实肯干!5.勇于挑战高薪,有责任心和积极的工作态度!6:限女性,32--45,形象气质佳的年龄可以上调7:有工卡法定假日+月假工资:6000--8000(提成+全勤奖+年终奖+工险)联系电话:6265085474微信:JDLgroup999Position: a store manager manager, a store clerkRequirements:1. Relevant experience is better! No experience (provide professional training)   2. Chinese. Fluent in English3. Good communication and presentation skills4. passionate about sales work, down-to-earth and willing to work!5. Brave to challenge high salary, responsible and positive work attitude!6:Female only, 32--45, good image quality age can be adjusted upwards7: with work cardLegal holidays + monthly leaveSalary: 6000--8000 (commission + full attendance bonus + year-end bonus + work insurance)Contact number: 6265085474WeChat:JDLgroup999
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